Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My last day...

When I arrived at the station, I started my usual work...monitoring. Then we encoded the monitoring that we did last time. After that, Sir Polly (JAM's web designer) asked us to put stickers and covering on the Cds he brought. He said that those were JAM's entry to 19th Annual KBP Golden Dove Awards. It's our last day so we use our free time taking pictures with the JAM's team. Ma'am Russel also did the evaluation and sealed it so we cannot see. Everyone bid us goodbye... Sir Khai also gave us event tickets!!! I will never forget this experience.. I will miss those people that we've met and we've known. I will treasure every memory with the station that I started to love. JAM 88.3 we get the hits first!

18th day... july 23,2010

I wasn't able to do this journal last it's kinda late.
As usual I arrived early. I proceeded to my station and I started the monitoring. After my shift, we were asked to encode the other monitorings again, then we produce a hard copy of it and passed it to our account executive, Sir Khai. Then kuya Sonny (one of the staffs), asked us to separate each pieces of continous form. We were able to finish one box of it before our time ended.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

17th day...recording.

When I arrived at the station, I started the monitoring. Sir Allen came then he said that we can start our recording. We prepare the songs that we choose then Sir Allen set up everything. We had alot of fun. But the outcome of the recording is not what we expect it to be. We decided to do it next time so that we'll have more time practicing. But then this day turned out great.

16th Day

As I arrived at the station I started monitoring. Ma'am Russel assigned another radio station to monitor... RT 99.5. After monitoring we encoded it then proceed to managing the facebook account of our station. We were also asked to compile announcer's log for the month of July. Sir Allen promised us to have a recording tomorrow. We were so excited about it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

15th day...alone

My friend was absent this day so, I got to do the phone screening alone... I had two callers who go on air for the Hillary and Scotty show. Then after the phone screening I proceeded doing the radio monitoring. Today the asigned station was Wave 89.1. After few hours of monitoring alone, my co-ojt arrived then we switched with the monitoring. After her shift I continued that assinged task, until my time ended.

14th day..lot's of fun :)

I arrived at the station at 6:30 am... I stayed near the Djs booth so that I will be able to ask them if they will allow the caller to be heard on air... I had some callers today and they were all nice so all of them were able to go on air. After the phone screening I proceeded to the station were we are doing the radio monitoring. Sir Khai, the account manager of the station, assigned us additional work to do. We were asked to type all the radio monitorings that we did before. After typing he asked us to search for the contact numbers of all the universities in Manila and also their student affairs head. We will be needing those contacts numbers for JAM's event. Then we were out at 4 pm.

Monday, July 19, 2010

13th day!

I arrived early at the station. As my friend does her assigned task, I stayed at her station..then I proceeded on my work. As usual I did the monitoring at Magic 89.9. We also started taking pictures together with the Djs and some staff of JAM. It's really fun.

Friday, July 16, 2010

my 12th day...

I was the one to arrived first on the station so I got to start the monitoring...again it's Magic 89.9. They have lots of commercials and those were different from ours, so I enjoyed listing every commercials that they aired. Few hours later my co-ojt came then we switched. Ma'am Russel also asked us to go outside and buy some stuff.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My tenth and eleventh day at work...

Though there was a heavy rain yesterday, I was able to go to work. When I arrived at the station, we were off air, because of the problem with the transmitter. The technical staff were trying to fixed it that time. I proceed with my assigned task...monitoring Wave 88.3. By the time that we were out, the connection on air is still not working. I wasn't able to do this journal because of the brown out yesterday.

Today, I arrived at the station early. Ma'am Russel assigned another station for us to monitor...and this time it's on Magic 89.9. Sir Eric P., our station manager, explain to us that we're doing the monitoring not to compete with those stations, but just to compare what commercials we have and what we don't. Those assigned in sales will do something to contact those companies, which commercials were not airing on us, and encourage them to buy slots on our programs by giving them proposals...that's how it goes.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My 9th Day!

After my assigned time monitoring, my friend and I stayed at the production booth to learn something new from Sir Allen. We were never wrong, every minute we stayed at the production booth gave us additional knowledge especially on doing radio commercials. Sir Allen, with the permission of Ma'am Russel, also promised us to be part of JAMs event this friday! He also promised us to have a recording one of this days.

Monday, July 12, 2010

eight day!

Today, my first task was to screen callers. At first I was nervous, but later on I get used to it...then I started to enjoy talking with the callers... Scotty and Hillary had a pop quiz for a chance for the audience to win premier tickets but unfortunately no one got it right. After their segment I continued the radio monitoring which my friend started earlier. Then again, we were asked to add friends online in JAM's account. We had our lesson with DJ Lana on how to operate stuffs on the DJs booth, though Scotty explained that already (we did observe to know things as clearly as possible.)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Seventh Day (a productive one!)

When I came to the station my friend assigned earlier than me was there...monitoring. Then I continued the monitoring. We have additional work for today. Our station manager Sir Eric P., asked us to add people on JAM's account online. He gave us quota for today and we were shocked when he said that we need to have atleast one thousand (though we know he was just kidding). Me and my friend switched work every now and then. While I was monitoring, she's infront of the computer doing our additional work, then vice versa. We've also learned alot this day! Sir Allen who's in the production department taught us stuffs about production like how radio differs from television, and how he edit commercials. He discussed about old school editing (how long it takes for them to edit before) and the digital editing which he's using now and how much the sound effects they use cost...he also explained to us intellectual property rights and stuffs like plagarism.We've learned about sales matters, like how much a company pay for a radio commercial and many many more. We also stayed in the Djs booth, and Dj Scotty explain to us how he operates the gadgets infront of him. Which from those buttons will he press to turn on his mic and to play music...and others. I really love this day!!! I've learned so many things from the experts.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Sixth Day

I arrived 30 minutes before my time and I immediately went to my place in the station. Again, I did my assigned work. radio monitoring at wave 89.1. I'm getting used to this work and since I've been doing this for a couple of days, I find myself familiarized with the commercials already. I get to know what the product was just by hearing the first line, funny! Then ate Crizelle asked us to laminate ID's for the employees... that was also fun.Another thing that made me and my friend happy was when ate Crizelle told us that so far we are doing good with our job.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Fifth Day

I arrived early at the station and like yesterday I waited for my friend assigned in screening the calls before I went to my station (room), were I did my assigned work; radio monitoring. I found out that we were asked to monitor the commercials on other station to get their sponsors that we didn't have. I think they are having contact to those products so that the station will have additional sponsors. Few hours later, my friend and I helped Ate Cristel, one of the staff in separating cd's and putting them in cases and labeling them, then after that I proceeded to radio monitoring. I can't wait for tommorow because one of our bosses promised us to teach production stuffs!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fourth Day (getting used to it)

Today I came more than an hour before my time. I was afraid of getting late so I came very early this time! My friend who was assigned for screening the callers that day, was a little bit late so I tried to do her assigned work...I waited for callers but there's none of them until my friend came and replace me to that job. Then I went to the room where we always stay and started the radio monitoring. This time I got to monitor commercials in Wave 89.1, which is the sister company of Jam. I did the monitoring until my time ends. My friend and I got excited because one of our boss promised us that one of these days he will teach us about production. We can't wait for that moment!

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Third Day

My friend and I arrived at the station at 5:45 am. DJ Scotty and Manong Dante (the security guard) were the only person in the station. Like the usual, we screened the callers. Fortunately, we were able to convince the first caller to go on air. Well, after the first call, no more calls were heard. We kept on waiting and the DJ's kept adlibing but that's it. That's the first and last call for the segment. After that, we did a radio monitoring again.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Second Day Pressure!

My second day of work, has alot more pressure than my first day. Me and my friend were assigned to screen the callers for "The Scotty and Hillary Show". Dj Scotty oriented us on how to do it. It looks like an easy job, but we started screening the callers we were very pressured because it's in our hands that the Djs will have a nice caller that they can talk to "on air". Well it's our first time, so we were trying to adjust first. The DJs were also pressured adlibing, waiting for us to get a nice caller. After the segment Dj Hillary and Scotty thanked us, saying its a nice job (though we know that we didn't do it that good), and they'll see us again for their segment. Ma'am Russel asked us to file the announcers log then the next thing I do is to do a radio monitoring -it's tuning in to other station and listing their commercials. That's what we do until our time for work ended.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

first day of work...

today I started my "on the job training" on jam 88.3. Miss Russel, the head of hr department introduce me and my friend to the whole staff of jam, and also to the dj's (who were all very nice and friendly). She also makes us familiarize with to the whole place and to our bosses then assigned me some work to do. The whole day I got to listen to other radio station then make list of their commercials and submit it to our boss, then were out at 6pm.