Thursday, July 15, 2010

My tenth and eleventh day at work...

Though there was a heavy rain yesterday, I was able to go to work. When I arrived at the station, we were off air, because of the problem with the transmitter. The technical staff were trying to fixed it that time. I proceed with my assigned task...monitoring Wave 88.3. By the time that we were out, the connection on air is still not working. I wasn't able to do this journal because of the brown out yesterday.

Today, I arrived at the station early. Ma'am Russel assigned another station for us to monitor...and this time it's on Magic 89.9. Sir Eric P., our station manager, explain to us that we're doing the monitoring not to compete with those stations, but just to compare what commercials we have and what we don't. Those assigned in sales will do something to contact those companies, which commercials were not airing on us, and encourage them to buy slots on our programs by giving them proposals...that's how it goes.

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